Curation in Nature

  • The Project.

    PINE HILL A FRAME was completed in March 2022 after a year of renovation. This 1960’s A Frame kit has been preserved and updated with a MINIMALIST approach. As a family, we renovated and designed this cabin with sustainability in mind.

  • The Vision.

    SIMPLICITY. The process to renovate was no simple task but we wanted the end result to breathe Simplicity. So we set out to design a seamless space utilizing the least amount of materials. With a WABI SABI approach, we chose maple plywood as our main source to curate the interior.

  • The Ethos.

    LOW CONSUMPTION guided us in the process of curating this project. Slowing down and accepting all that NATURE PROVIDES, has allowed us access to just be within nature. We welcome others to experience this cabin and practice the art of doing nothing.